Ballets for Children

Ballets for Children is an elementary school lecture demonstration that introduces the art of ballet while addressing core curriculum and life skills. A group of State Street Ballet Professional Track dancers and a narrator tour to present "Ballet and Snow White." This 45-minute in-school session includes a lecture, demonstration, and condensed Snow White performance.

Beforehand, teachers receive an email study guide with ballet information, etiquette, a glossary, illustrations, a bibliography, and specific information about our production of Snow White. A post-performance questionnaire lets students respond through words and drawings.

We would love to hear from you with any questions or comments regarding our programs. For information, you can reach us at or by calling us at 805-792-3287.

The opportunity to contribute amplifies the community's role in nurturing positive change and sustaining our transformative experiences. State Street Ballet’s community programming celebrates the art of ballet and resonates with our commitment to creating meaningful connections and inspiring progress in all participants. To make a tax-deductible contribution to support State Street Ballet’s outreach initiatives, visit our donation page!